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Bloody Mary contest
Saturday June 22 4-6pm

will take place inside the jimmy Jones shelter at the Greater Ottumwa Park


Who makes the best  Bloody Mary?











Here is your chance to show your skills and win a trophy to prove it!!


A panel of judges will be provided for judging each division and the public will be able to participate in giving out the prestigious Peoples Choice Award.

Must be 21 to participate.

Participants must sign up ahead of event and arrive by 3:15 to check in

$25  to register for competition 

Day of competition:


  1.  Prepayment is required to participate.  Payments can be sent to the Ottumwa Elks Venmo @Ottumwa-ElksLodge or checks can be mailed or brought to the Lodge. 

  2.  Check in at the registration table when you arrive cutoff is 3:30

  3.  Proceed to your designated area 

  4.  You will have until 4:00 to turn in your original Bloody Mary

  5.  You will man your station for Peoples Choice sampling until you are out of sampling Bloody Marys you have brought or 6:00pm.

  6.  Winners of competition will be announced at 6:30pm in the Main Stage area.  Please be present to receive your award.




  1.  All participants must prepare Bloody Marys onsite in the competition area.  However, your garnishments can be premade and brought to the competition.

  2. No guidelines on alcohol, this is your interpretation of a Bloody Mary.

  3. Garnish or combination of garnishes may be used in the show cup or on the tray.

  4. Cups will be provided for judging, they will be plastic 8oz cups and should have approximately 5oz of your Bloody Mary entry.  Garnishments may be added to these cups but not required.

  5. You will need to bring a large show cup, pitcher, jar, container or vessel of your choosing for the appearance judging of your bloody mary.

  6. Bloody Mary’s should not be branded or marked in any way.  Your tray should be anonymous to the judges.  We will give each participant a number that only the organizers will know who it belongs to.

  7. Name your drink:  you will be provided with a 4x6 index card to write a menu style description of your entry ( not a recipe).   Please again no business names on the card.


For Example:


Bloody Trouble

House infused pepper Vodka, 3 hot wings, blue cheese stuffed olives, pickle spear, celery sticks, carrot sticks, hot sauce, lemon lime.

Please bring 2 gallons of prepared bloody mary to serve to participants of the People's Choice award. Amateurs are not required but the Skilled/business division is required to participate.  We will sell armbands and they will vote on their favorite drink.  When you are out of prepared drinks you are free to go relax until awards are announced

Bloody Mary Judging Guidelines:


Appearance:  In this competition garnish counts.  How does the entry look? Visually, how appealing is it?  What is your impression of the Bloody Mary tray with the display vessel and 6 sampling cups?  Think about the creativity of the garnish, the effort put into the presentation and the look of the entire entry.


Once the Appearance score is given, an organizer will read the written name (not the team name) and description of the bloody mary written on the entry card to the judges.  Your are to keep that description in mind as you judge the drink.  You’re to see if the team executed or turned in what they wrote down and how true to the description they stayed.  The Execution and Taste scores will most likely be given simultaneously.  Finally, judges will be asked to give each Bloody Mary an Overall Impression score.


Taste:  How does the Bloody Mary taste?  How amazing was it?  Or was it not so great?  Be honest and truthful.  Don’t fluff the score because you think they gave it a good try.  Or if its amazing, score it as such.  The teams really look to your feedback to know where they got it right or where they can improve.


Execution:  Along with their entry, teams will submit a 4x6 index card with a Name for their entry and a menu style description (Not a recipe) of it. Your job is to score them on whether or not they executed as written and described.  Did the team turn in an entry that met the guidelines?


Overall Impression:  This will be your overall impression of the entry and can be a whole or half number between 1 and 10.  You may only give a number once, meaning, if you reward a Bloody Mary a 9.5 you may not use 9.5 again.


  1. If you have any food aversions or allergies you may want to reconsider judging.  ‘

  2. You do not have to finish any of your Bloody Marys.  Drink what you want or need to give each entry a fair score.

  3. Please avoid use of alcohol prior to your judging.

  4. Other than small talk, reading the descriptions and passing out entries, there should be no talking in the judging area.  Especially if something tastes really good or bad.  Do Not try to influence the other judges.

  5. Only you should be in the judging area.  Family and friends must not be in the area.  You may use your phones to take pictures or notes, but please do not use any verbal tools as in SIRI.  Also please silence for personal phone use.

  6. If you do take pictures please do not post online until all the judging is completed.  If you do post please feel free to tag the event page on Facebook.

for any questions you have you can Email  or fill out a contact form on our website or message our Facebook page as well.

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